When you are part of a system, you are frequently caught up in it, and it is often difficult to organise your own thoughts and recognise the obvious. Feedback and the exchange of ideas are important milestones in every decision-making process.
However, the higher-up their position, the more difficult it is for managers to find people within the company with whom they can openly consider and discuss ideas, projects or sensitive matters without endangering their career or having to worry about the political correctness of their counterpart.
With me as a business sparring partner, you will have the opportunity to closely and constructively scrutinise all aspects of your concepts and strategies in advance – a kind of dry-run before you submit your ideas for discussion within your company.
The inclusion of all perspectives lays the foundation for a broader basis on which to make your decisions, ensuring successful outcomes. I take a neutral approach towards your plans, without any personal interest of my own. Needless to say, all discussions are confidential.
©2022 Ingenieurbüro Eva Arnold